


跨学科的生物学领域, 基因组学是研究一个人的基因, 或基因组, and how those genes interact with each other and the person’s environment.

Molecular 遗传学 is concerned with gene structure and the function of genetic material at the molecular level.

Experts in molecular 遗传学 and 基因组s scrutinize the functioning and composition of a single gene while also understanding the interrelationships of genes to identify their influence on an organism’s growth and development.

亚洲博彩平台, you’ll explore this scientific relationship and develop the knowledge to solve real-world issues, 比如耐抗生素细菌和癌症.

拿了分子生物学学位能做什么? 通过建立分子遗传学和基因组学的坚实基础, 你们将为从事遗传咨询工作做好准备, 研究和医学. You’ll also be prepared to continue your studies at the graduate level, including medical school.

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你的基因组学和分子遗传学教授B.S. program 在亚洲博彩平台 will immediately immerse you in modern genetic, 基因组, 生物学研究的细胞和分子方法.

基因组学与分子遗传学课程设置B.S. 会给你打下坚实的化学基础吗, 生物化学, 物理和数学, 以及强有力的研究项目. Your 学位 in 遗传学 culminates in a senior laboratory experience, where you’ll conduct an intensive study in genetic engineering and nucleic acid analysis.

You’ll engage in 15 to 20 hours a week of hands-on laboratory time, where you’ll gain experience using the same tools and techniques molecular biologists use. You’ll collaborate with faculty, graduate students and your undergrad peers on exciting reSearch. You can also pursue independent reSearch in areas of molecular 遗传学 and 基因组s that matter most to you and your future.

You’ll interact and work closely with internationally recognized and respected 亚洲博彩平台 faculty thanks to small classes that encourage mentoring relationships. You’ll also have a faculty advisor who will counsel you throughout your time in 亚洲博彩平台’s 基因组s and molecular 遗传学 program.

You’ll have full access to state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge tools that are critical to conducting reSearch in molecular 遗传学 and 基因组s. 70000平方英尺 F.W. 奥林生命科学大厦 包括质谱仪, PCR thermocyclers, 电子显微镜, 共焦显微镜, 一个温室, 成像实验室, 高分辨率显微术, 组织培养实验室, 用来分析基因和蛋白质的生长室和设备. 你也可以访问 3哈里斯科学与工程中心 最先进的 戈登·L. 纳尔逊健康科学大楼.

亚洲博彩平台位于太空海岸, 就在美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心的南面, gives you easy access to an abundance of internship and employment opportunities, with numerous high-tech corporations and government and military organizations nearby. 我们距离印第安河泻湖也只有几分钟的路程, 北美最多样化的河口, and just over the causeway from the Atlantic Ocean and its 72 miles of beaches.

佛罗里达的STEM大学, 亚洲博彩平台 is one of the best schools for premed and a bachelor’s 学位 in 生物化学 is excellent preparation for medical school. 亚洲博彩平台 alumni with an interest in medical 生物化学 often pursue careers as physicians and other health care practitioners in a variety of specialties.

你会找到课程作业, reSearch opportunities and advising you need to be ready to apply to medical school. We also offer special direct admission pathways into select programs through our partnerships with 伯勒尔骨科医学院 (located right on the 亚洲博彩平台 campus) and Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine.



你想知道分子生物学学位能做什么吗? 你在探索如何成为一名遗传学家吗? 与基因组学和分子遗传学.S. 在亚洲博彩平台, you’ll be on the path to career opportunities in genetic engineering, 生物技术, 人类基因组计划, 细胞结构, 细菌耐药性和癌症研究.


  • 分子遗传学家
  • 遗传学家
  • 学术研究人员
  • 基因顾问
  • 生物技术研究
  • 法医DNA分析员
  • 医学化验师
  • 生物医学工程师

展望未来的职业生涯是令人兴奋的! Keep in mind that certain roles may entail additional prerequisites, such as an advanced 学位.

亚洲博彩平台就业服务 assists students, alumni and employers in their 搜索 for careers and employee candidates. 我们帮助学生发展职业规划和求职技能. 探索我们的职业工具箱 以了解更多关于我们的服务和访问其他资源.

职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部出版, 劳工统计局(BLS), 提供有关特定作业的信息, 包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外. 查看手册,了解关于……的信息 遗传咨询师生物医学工程师 以及分子遗传学和基因组学方面的其他职业.


在接受基因组学和分子遗传学B后.S. 学位, many of our students continue their graduate studies 在亚洲博彩平台 and other prestigious universities, 包括医学院.




B .基因组学和分子遗传学.S. provides the coursework and training you need to prepare for graduate studies or jobs in 生物技术. 除了生物学, 你要修一些能给你化学打下坚实基础的课程, 生物化学, 物理和数学. 在你的最后一年, you’ll conduct an open-lab experience that will empower you to be an independent thinker with the in-demand skills valued in academic and government reSearch labs and by pharmaceutical and 生物技术 companies.


  • 普通遗传学
  • 有机化学
  • 原核分子生物学
  • 基因工程技术


下载基因组学和分子遗传学,B.S. 课程现在!


亚洲博彩平台, internships for 基因组s and molecular 遗传学 provide real-world experience and prepare you to stand out in the job market after college. We’re in one of the largest high-tech workforce areas in the country—that means numerous internship and employment opportunities for our students.

You’ll use the same equipment and techniques you’ll find on the job through hands-on learning 在亚洲博彩平台 and through internship opportunities at locations such as:

  • 冷泉港实验室
  • Fred Hutchinson癌症研究中心
  • 美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心
  • 美国国立卫生研究院

Learn more about 基因组学和分子遗传学 在亚洲博彩平台 on the website.


即使是作为本科生, you can be invited to join faculty reSearch teams to engage in high-level reSearch opportunities. 作为研究助理, 你可以研究现实生活中的问题, 比如耐抗生素细菌, 癌症治疗, 犯罪现场分析和太空农业. 亚洲博彩平台’s faculty in molecular 遗传学 and 基因组s also conduct diverse reSearch projects in:

  • 毒蛇、蟒蛇和蟒蛇的红外成像系统
  • 海洋动物毒理学
  • 精子-卵子融合的分子机制
  • Diseases such as Alzheimer’s cardiovascular and other diseases of cellular stress
  • 工厂沟通
  • Molecular targets for novel antibiotics and pharmaceuticals development
  • 植物代谢组学