Holzer Health Center

Free HIV and Hepatitis C Screenings

Free HIV and Hepatitis screening available to Florida Tech Students, Staff, and Faculty sponsored by Project Response.  Appointments Required- Call 321-674-8078 to schedule.

Located at Holzer Health Center on the 2nd Monday of every month from 12-2PM and 4th Tuesday from 3-5PM                                                                                                            

Important Notice concerning Health Care for Minor Students on Campus

If you or a family member will not be living close to your son or daughter while away at school, it is important to consider authorizing a local adult to accompany them to any medically indicated specialist appointments or diagnostic facilities. A minor may not be seen without a legal guardian present for any medical care of treatment, with the exception of being seen at the Student Health Center. This legally authorized adult must be over 18, is not required to make medical decisions for your son or daughter but must accompany them to appointments. We encourage you to be proactive and speak to your son or daughter about selecting an adult and completing this Minor Child Care Authorization form before an injury or illness occurs.

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