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Kelli Hunsucker

Assistant Professor | 工程与科学学院-海洋工程与海洋科学

Contact Information

Educational Background




Current Courses

Introduction to Oceanography

Ocean Biology for Engineers

Biological Oceanography

Estuarine Ecology

Marine and Estuarine Phytoplankton

Selected Publications

Gilligan M, Hunsucker K, Rech S, Sharma A, Beltran R, White RT, Weaver R. 2022. 评估活码头的生物性能-通过在印度河泻湖内招募底栖生物来改善沿海水质的公民科学倡议, Florida.  J Mar Sci Eng 10: 823

Wassick A, Hunsucker KZ, Swain G(2022)卡纳维拉尔港本地和非本地藤壶物种分布和丰度的基线调查, Florida. BioInvasions Records 11:in press

Richard KN, Hunsucker KZ, Gardner H, Hickman K, Swain G. 2021. UVC与表面材料协同使用防止海洋生物污染的应用. JMSE 9 (662)

Wassick A, Hunsucker K, Swain G. 2021. 底栖无脊椎动物群落是否反映了中印度河泻湖的扰动? Florida Scientist 84(2/3): 162-172

Hunsucker K,李建军,李建军,李建军,李建军,李建军. 2021. 阴极保护钢作为牡蛎恢复垫塑料的替代品. Ecological Engineering 164:

Braga C, Hunsucker K, Erdogan, Gardner H, Swain G. 2020. 将uv灯与ROV结合使用以防止生物污染:概念验证研究. Marine Technology Society Journal 54 (5): 76-83

Braga C, Hunsucker KZ, Gardner H, Swain G. 2020. 一种研究紫外线照射对海洋生物污染影响的新设计. Applied Ocean Research.

 Hunsucker KZ, Gardner H, Lieberman K, Swain G. 2019. 用流体力学方法评价防污涂料的性能. Ocean Engineering.

Hunsucker KZ(1),张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军. 2019. 利用紫外光改善船体涂料防污性能,生物防污. 35 (6): 658-668

Weaver RJ, Hunsucker KZ, et al. 2018. 活码头:底栖生物向印度河泻湖码头上的牡蛎基质补充的研究. Marine Technology Society 52(4): 7-18

Hunsucker KZ,李建平,李建平,李建平,李建平,李建平. 2018. 生物膜群落结构及其对船舶污垢释放涂层的阻力影响. Biofouling 34(2):162-172

 Dickenson NC, Krumholz JS, Hunsucker KZ, and Radicone M. 2017. 注碘曝气用于船体防垢研究. Biofouling. 33(0): 955-969

 Sweat LH, Swain GW, Hunsucker KZ, Johnson KB. 2017. 运输的生物膜及其对随后的大污染定植的影响. Biofouling 33(5): 433-449

Hunsucker KZ, Hunsucker JT, Gardner H, Swain G. 2017. 评价船体涂层的静态和动态比较. Marine Technical Society Journal 51(2): 71-75

Hunsucker JT, Hunsucker KZ, Gardner H, Swain G. 2016. 水动力应力对生物污染群落摩擦阻力的影响. Biofouling 32(10): 1209-1221

Hearin J, Hunsucker KZ, Swain G, Gardner H Stephens S, Lieberman K. 2016. 涂有污垢去除涂层的大型测试板在不同频率下的机械梳理分析. Biofouling 32(5): 561-569.

Hearin J, Hunsucker KZ, Swain G, Stephens S, Gardner H, Lieberman K, Harper M. 2015. 涂有防污和去污涂层的大型测试板的长期机械梳理分析. Biofouling 31(8): 625- 638

Hunsucker KZ, Swain GW. 2015. 硅藻对有机硅船体涂层附着力的原位测量. Journal of Applied Phycology 28(1): 269 - 277

Hunsucker KZ, Koka A, Lund G, Swain G. 2014. Diatom community structure on in-service ship hulls. Biofouling 30(9): 1133- 1140

Zargiel KA, Swain GW. 2014. 硅藻对船体涂层的静、动态沉降和附着力. Biofouling 30(1): 15-129

Zargiel KA, Coogan JS, Swain GW. 2011. 市售船体涂料上的硅藻群落结构. Biofouling 27(9): 955 -965


Dr. Hunsucker的研究重点是生物污染生物及其在人为结构上的定居. 她目前由海军研究办公室资助,研究不同的船体涂层以及这些涂层防止生物污垢积聚的能力. 与美国海军实验室和全球工业伙伴合作, 她的工作是测试其他生物污染预防系统的功效, such as aeration and ultraviolet light.  Dr. Hunsucker是研究梳理毛发影响的团队的一员, or the frequent gentle wiping of a ship hull, to prevent fouling. 这是通过远程操作车辆(ROV)的方式完成的,ROV将一个梳理工具推到船体上. 长期的梳理已被证明可以有效地阻止在许多类型的船体涂层上建立大型污染生物.  Dr. Hunsucker特别感兴趣的是研究梳理工具和生物污垢之间的相互作用, both at the microbial and maco-levels. In addition, Dr. Hunsucker研究了不同水动力条件下生物膜(微生物污染)群落结构的变化. 

Dr. Hunsucker is also interested in ecological engineering, 或者利用生态学和工程学来改善当地的生态系统. 她致力于促进底栖生物的生长(比如牡蛎), sea squirts, sponges), as a mode of water filtration.  成年牡蛎每天可以过滤50加仑的水, with sea squirts filtering roughly 24 gallons per day. She helps to create Living Docks, which through citizen science involvement, 在码头上铺设牡蛎垫,目的是恢复水质.  她实验室的成员目前正忙着调查码头和 impact these organisms are having on filtering particles from the water. Dr. Hunsucker is also investigating alternatives to plastic in local oyster restoration efforts, 利用阴极保护钢形成矿物吸积层,促进钙质海洋生长. 

Dr. Hunsucker积极参与以社区为基础的海洋教育和推广活动, with an emphasis on the local Indian River Lagoon. 她是一个由教师和学生组成的团队的一员,他们乘坐泻湖科学巴士参观了当地的学校, implementing lessons on marine engineering and science. More information about the Science Bus can be found on the Facebook page. Dr. Hunsucker's view of the Indian River Lagoon, sustainability, and ways to help were recently featured in the  Space Coast Business Magazine

Check out this recent article on Dr. Hunsucker为美国海军和印度河泻湖工作. 

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