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Danita Berg

Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Arts and Communication

Online Chair | Liberal Studies

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Personal Overview

达尼塔·伯格(Danita Berg)是亚洲博彩平台传播与人文学科助理教授,也是通识研究在线系主任. 此前,她曾担任Full Sail大学英语系系主任, 同时也是俄克拉荷马城市大学的写作助理教授, 在那里,她指导了红土低居住地创意写作项目的艺术硕士.

她曾在Redivider等杂志上发表创意作品, Southern Women’s Review, Quay: A Journal of the Arts, Black Market Review, and The Houston Literary Review, among others, as well as several anthologies. Her co-edited book, 创意作文:写作指导的灵感与技巧,被作曲理论家帕特里克·比扎罗(Patrick Bizzaro)称赞为“当前关于创意写作研究和作曲-创意写作联系的最佳思考”.”

Educational Background

  1. D. 英语:南佛罗里达大学写作与修辞.
  2. 低居住MFA手册:未来的创意写作学生指南. Ed. Lori A. May. Bloomsbury Academic, 2011.

MFA in Creative Writing: Goddard College



BS in Journalism: Ball State University

Professional Experience

Like many teachers of writing, I believe that all writing is creative writing, an activity that engages the imagination, stirs the passions, exercises critical thinking, fosters new knowledge, and deepens understanding. Having studied, written in, and taught numerous and varied writing genres, 我开始意识到,作家体验每一种主观感受是多么重要, intellectual processes as they write in any genre.

I also believe that writing is a social act, 不仅因为它是一种交流手段,还因为它所涉及的社会和智力过程. For me, writing is a process that allows for discovery, collaboration, critical reflection, and change. 尽管我教过的写作课程种类繁多,但这些课程所教授的内容可能会有相当大的差异, 我对写作的主要信念为我所有的课堂教学提供了大量的教学一致性. 一种写作课程的内容不同于另一种写作课程的主要方式之一是, of course, 在具体的写作体裁方面,学生应该学习和练习.

To each genre, 我认为让学生批判性地分析一种体裁的独特特征是很重要的, 一种分析,包括考虑与一种体裁可能出现的写作环境有关的特征. 我发现,对于学生的写作发展至关重要的一点是,他们要了解自己所从事的写作体裁的惯例,以及这些惯例在该体裁通常出现的写作环境中是如何发挥作用的. 了解每种体裁所具有的不同方面有助于学生意识到写作不仅仅发生在学术环境中, 通过文字的交流对他们的生活至关重要, both personally and in their vocations.

Selected Publications

创意作文:写作指导的灵感和技巧. With Lori A. May. Multilingual Matters; May 2015.>

“Orlando, Bloom.” Other Orlandos.  Anthology. Ed. Leslie Salas. Burrow Press, August 2017.

“It Is Not Flesh and Blood, But the Heart.” Shifts: An Anthology of Women’s Growth Through Change. December 2014. MuseWrite Press.

“The Fixer-Upper.” Desiring Motherhood: A Special Edition of Literary Mama. October 2014.

Preface. 现实世界中的创意写作:作家的读本. By Shawn Kerivan. Auburn, AL: New Plains Press, 2012. 7. Print. 

“Tadpoles.” 点击暂停时刻:女性作家关于生活转变的散文. Ed. Anne Witkavitch. New Haven, CT: Kiwi Publishing. September 2010.

Selected Presentations


愿景/修订:在作文课堂上表演创意写作体裁.” Co-Chair. 2019年3月,美国大学英语协会年会在新奥尔良举行.

《亚洲博彩平台》.” College English Association Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. April 2018.

漫画、电影、歌曲等:创意写作和作曲课程中的多模态.作家和写作项目协会年会, Los Angeles, CA, March-April 2016.



《运用创意写作概念教授说明文》.” Gulf Coast Association of Creative Writing Teachers. University of South Alabama, Fairhope, AL, April 2011.


“但我不属于作文界——我是一个有创意的作家! 或者,创意写作和作文教学法之间的合作.” Panel Chair. 伟大的写作:英国国际创意写作会议, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. June 9-11, 2006. 

Recognition & Awards



Joseph Bentley教学奖学金,USF英语系,2006年.

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